University of Notre Dame
Author of 1 CRAN package
University of Notre Dame has worked on just 1 package so far. But hey, every journey starts with a single step, right? This package might just be the beginning of something legendary! University of Notre Dame has collaborated with a whopping 33 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
1 Package
- Tyler Rinker
- Apache Software Foundation
- Unicode, Inc.
- Titus Wormer
- Department of Knowledge Technologies
- John Higgins
- Grady Ward
- Heiko Possel
- Michal Boleslav Mechura
- Bing Liu
- Minqing Hu
- Saif M. Mohammad
- Peter Turney
- Erik Cambria
- Soujanya Poria
- Rajiv Bajpai
- Bjoern Schuller
- SentiWordNet
- Liang Wu
- Fred Morstatter
- Huan Liu
- Grammar Revolution
- Vidar Holen
- Alejandro U. Alvarez
- Stackoverflow User user2592414
- Andrew Kachites McCallum
- Alireza Savand
- Zact Anger
- Colin Martindale
- John Wiseman
- Nadra Pencle
- Irina Malaescu